As of noon on Tuesday Andy was officially done with all military paperwork and is now waiting for his new job to process and approve him!! What a relief. This has been a tedious time, but the end is in sight. We are definitely looking forward to the perks of the new position - big work out facility, new health care :) It's such a blessing.
Andy spent his Wednesday afternoon building miniature house frames. Our good friend Eric is preaching at church on May 4th and needed the houses for visual aids. Andy is always looking for an opportunity to use his new tools, so he rallied the guys and went to work! They look great and will make great center pieces for the stage. Sidenote, I will also be leading worship on that Sunday. Isn't that crazy?! Our pastor and his wife will be out of town, so they asked if I could help out. This is definitely a one time things - but a fun opportunity. We're sure the Lord will use it for his glory!
I had the pleasure of helping with our Chi Alpha's first full out girls retreat. It went amazing. Liz, Sarah and I spent time praying and brainstorming. The vision we received from the Lord was totally amazing and it ministered to the women perfectly. We had awesome times of worship and prayer. I was even able to lead one of the talks. It turned out to be my favorite talk I've every given. Praise the Lord for the way he's growing and stretching all of the girls. It's such a beautiful time.
Time is a scarcity around our apartment right now. Andy and I are learning how to prioritize and make room for us among all of the other things we could do. This is the first time Andy has been working 40 hrs a week since graduation too. So that took some adjusting as well. All in all though, we are enjoying everything we're involved with - including the softball league - and are excited for the summer!!
We have wonderful pictures from our Easter in Texas with the family. I'll post them soon. We were able to spend several days with Andy's brother Kevin before he was deployed to Kuwait. He is over there now and doing well. We are keeping in close contact with him via email, and that has made the transition easier.
We love all of you!