Andy and I could not have predicted how the first couple of months of marriage would go. Between Andy going to school, me working my new job, discovering how to be on staff with Chi Alpha, pouring into our students, and being in love - we have to stop and laugh to keep ourselves grounded.
Chi Alpha is a blast. We are learning so much through trial and error. Andy's dGroup has had a rough start, but he and PJ have been praying and coming up with ideas on how to get guys to commit. My dGroup is amazing. The girls are insightful and very loving. If you can, pray that the intimacy just increases as the learn to trust each other!
Being on staff isn't always sunshine, but I love it anyway! Jason and Sarah make me laugh and are such a huge support. I look forward to our staff meetings and realize more everyday how much goes into this ministry. I've never had the privilege of doing something this rewarding. This ministry changed my life, and now I get to help change the lives of others. Thank you Jesus.
Qdoba is one big blessing from the Lord. My position as "Marketing Specialist" is flexible, interesting, self directed, and fun. Right now, I will admit it is a bit intimidating as I am going around to local non-profit organizations (i.e. schools and churches) and pitching a fund-raising program. But, the way I see it - this will hopefully increase my boldness and self confidence. My favorite part is developing strategies. I wrote a report last month on how to execute catering with excellence. I'm so into my job : )
We have Chi Alpha pictures we are itching to post. I'm not in a place I can upload them right now, but soon! I promise!!
If you haven't heard yet, Andy got hit in the face playing flag football on Monday (October 1st). I got a phone call while I was at the XA office telling me that Dan was taking him to the hospital and that I should meet them there. Turns out he accidentally got hit as the center stood up after hiking the ball. Six hours and nine stitches later, we were home again. I was surprised at how much it bled, but he was a trooper. We took pictures, but only to lighten the mood. My guess is that they would not be appropriate for a blog post. I might take a picture of him post stitches after he's taken a shower and then show everyone!
Good news! We now have both car and health insurance! Please pray that the Lord continues the bless our finances : )
Thanks H...the intern office thinks the hair means I've been Texified. :) No one down here has ever heard of Qdoba!! Do you guys express mail taco bars??
Oh Andy. We got the photos and it looks bad, Especially the second set of photos. We think you are hilarious for taking them though and it was nice to see our couch in the background!
Steve is bummed that you may have to sit out at fall breakaway. Unless of course you play quarterback, but I won't get in the middle of that discussion. Steve's thoughts- not mine!
We love you guys. Have a great break(away) this weekend!
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